Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Banners & Landing Page

Banners Configuration

Last but not least, setup the banners related to the Loyalty Campaign. Banners are necesary for a correct appearance in the website:

Important note:

Pay attention to the accepted formats and sizes of your pictures. Please refer to the indications in the Admin Area.


In case you do not have any custom materials prepared by a design agency, check the possibilities of our Flyer & Banner generator. With PRO club turnkey designs, you create dedicated materials in next to no time!




External Promotional Page (NEW! available for all user profiles)

External Landing Pages are now available for ALL user profiles.


Landing Pages are made of 3 sections:

These public PRO club pages start with


For security reasons, the section containing the form is slightly different for the End Users and for the other profiles.



End User Form

For end users (member), a short registration form is included.

Using this form, end users are able to access to PRO Club automatically and immediately with the End User profile (Member). Access to certain sections is restricted.

Key users do not need to validate these records. Skiping the validation step to give immediate access to PRO club is a more flexible approach aiming to minimize end users' reluctance to complete registration and achieve higher participation rates in sell-out campaigns.


Example of End User Landing page: 













Form for all other profiles

Only existing registered users can access directly to the campaign through this page, whereas for security reasons, new users are invited to complete the standard registration form of PRO club. They are automatically redirected to the standard registration form.

Since Installers, Wholesalers, Service Partners... profiles have access to more sensitive information, it is necessary that Panasonic verify their records before enabling their access.

Example of Landing page for all OTHER profiles: